Program: 62
Write a C program to rotate a 2D primitive, if degree of rotation is input through the keyboard.
#include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<math.h> void main() { int gd=DETECT, r, gm, d, x1, y1, x2, y2, xn1, yn1, xn2, yn2; float ra, si, co; initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\TURBOC3\\BGI"); printf("Enter the value of X1 and Y1: "); scanf("%d %d", &x1, &y1); printf("Enter the value of X2 and Y2: "); scanf("%d %d", &x2, &y2); line(x1, y1, x2, y2); printf("Enter the degree of rotation: "); scanf("%d", &d); //Starting point would be same xn1 = x1; yn1 = y1; //Convert Degree into radian r = x2-x1; ra = 0.0175 * d; si = sin(ra); co = cos(ra); //second point xn2 = x1 + r*co + 1; yn2 = y1 + r*si + 1; line(xn1, yn1, xn2, yn2); getch(); closegraph(); }
Enter the value of X1 and Y1: 100 100 Enter the value of X2 and Y2: 200 100 Enter the degree of rotation: 90
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