Total No. of Questions : 7] [Total No. of Printed Pages : 8
Paper code: 13510
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 2)
Examination, 2021
Paper No. 1.1
Note: Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions in own words:
Education has always had two objects on the one hand, to give skill; and on the other, to impart a vaguer thing which may call wisdom. The role of skill has become very much larger than it used to be and is increasingly threatening to outs the role of wisdom. At the same time it must be admitted that wisdom in our world is useless except for those who realize the great part played by skills, for it is increase of skills that is the distinctive feature of your world.
Although scientific skill is necessary, it is by no means sufficient. A dictatorship of men of science would very soon become horrible. Skill without wisdom may prove to be purely destructive. For this reason, if no other, it is of great importance that those who receive a scientific education should not be merely scientific, but should have some understanding of that kind of wisdom which, if it can be imparted at all, can only be imparted by the cultural side of education. Science enables us to know the means to any chosen end, but it does not help us to decide upon what ends should be pursued. If you wish to exterminate the human race, it will show you how to do it. It you wish to make the human race so numerous that all are on the very verge of starvation, it will show you how to do that If you wish to secure adequate prosperity for the whole human race, science will tell you what you must do But it will not tell you whether one of these ends is more desirable than another. Not will it give you that is necessary if your measures are not to arouse fierce opposition which only ferocious tyranny can quell. It cannot teach you a sense of human dignity. These things, in so far as they can be taught in formal education, are most likely to emerge from the learning of history and great literature.
(i) What should, according to the writer, be the aim of education ?
(ii) Why is increase of skill a distinctive feature of our world ?
(iii) What danger does the writer see in the present emphasis on imparting skill ?
(iv) What knowledge does science impart to us ?
(v) Why should we study history and great literature ?
2. (a) Fill in the blanks with suitable articles and put a (x) mark where no articles required.
(i) He is _______ finest young player around at the movement.
(ii) ______ Man is mortal.
(iii) What is needed is ______ united action.
(iv) How can we combine economic growth and respect for _________ environment.
(v) He likes to picture himself as ________ original thinker.
(b) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verb.
(i) The whole family ________ for a movie.
(a) going
(b) are going
(c) is going
(d) gone
(ii) They ____ win, if they play well.
(a) may
(b) would
(c) could
(d) might
(iii) If you _______ there, you would have fainted.
(a) are
(b) were
(c) is
(d) was
(iv) Radha and Jyoti ______ always been friends.
(a) are
(b) will
(c) have
(d) is
(v) Any of the two brothers _______ have done the crime.
(a) can
(b) will
(c) could
(d) would
3. Use any ten of the following pairs of words in your own sentences so as to bring out the difference in meaning :
(i) Break, Brake
(ii) Hear, Here
(iii) Knew, New
(iv) Peace, Piece
(v) Plain, Plane
(vi) Principal, Principle
(vii) Right, Write
(viii) Threw, Through
(ix) Air, Heir
(x) Birth, Berth
(xi) Knead, Need
(xii) Morning, Mourning
4. Substitute one word for any ten of the following:
(i) One who totally abstains from alcohol.
(ii) A medicine which prevents infection by killing germs.
(iii) Plants or animals living in or near water.
(iv) A person speaking two languages.
(v) A thing that is fit to be eaten.
(vi) A speech delivered without any previous preparation.
(vii) Someone who never dies
(viii) The branch of knowledge which reads the effect of starts on the fate of human beings.
(ix) A man who is left with no money.
(x) The yearly return of a date.
(xi) One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain.
(xii) The life history of a man written by himself.
5. (a) From one word each by attaching he following prefixes:
(i) Anti
(ii) Bi
(iii) Auto
(iv) En
(v) Extra
(b) From one word each by attaching the following suffixes:
(i) ment
(ii) ion
(iii) ation
(iv) ness
(v) ous
6. Write a precis of the following passage in about one third of its length and suggest a suitable title. The aim of education is to draw out all the faculties of the boy on every side of his nature to develop in him every intellectual and moral power and to strengthen him physically, mentally and spiritually that he may turn out all the end of his college career a useful, patriotic, pious gentleman who respects himself and respects those around him. Education is a failure when it is simply cramming the boys head with a lot of dis-joined facts poured into the head as into a basket, to be emptied out again in the world. It is not a good education which when a boy has passed his examination, leaves him a nervous wreck, exhausted as to his body and over-strained as to his brain when a boy goes out of his college, he should be full of life, full of vigour, full or energy and full of delight in his young life to take up the burden of the work, of the world. He should not be nerve-exhausted and nerve-over-strained when he has finished his educational career.
7. Bring out the difference between technical language and literary language.
Thank You 🙂
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