Total No. of questions: 14] [Total No. of pages: 3
Paper code: 13523
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part – III)
Examination, 2021
Paper No. 2.2
Time :
Note: Attempt all Sections as directed.
Note: Attempt any two questions.15 each
1. What is project selection ? Discuss the steps required for managing project selection.
2. Explain the role of system analyst in every phase of software process.
3. Explain post-implementation and Maintenance.
4. What is feasibility analysis ? Explain its types.
5. Explain Audit trail and Documentation control.
6. What is testing ? Discuss why testing is needed differentiate integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing.
7. What are various approaches to design a good system ?
Note: Attempt any one questions.20 each
1. What do you mean by structured analysis ?
2. Explain open system and close system.
3. Explain data dictionary and decision tree.
4. Explain types of File organization.
5. Explain the role of Interviews and questionnaires.
6. Explain major activities in conversion.
7. Differentiate static and dynamic system models.
Thank You ! 🙂
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