Paper code: 13523
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 3)
Examination, 2019
Paper No. 2.2
Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 50
Note: Attempt questions from each section as per instructions.
Note: Attempt any five questions. Each question carries 6 marks.
1. Explain various elements of a system in detail.
2. How can one gather various information about the system, explain ?
3. Explain the importance of post implementation with suitable example.
4. What are various information gathering tools in system design, explain ?
5. Why the background analysis is necessary, explain ?
6. What are various steps in feasibility analysis, explain ?
7. What are various methods of design process, explain ?
8. How database design is differ from another traditional file organization, explain ?
9. Explain system testing in brief.
10. What are various levels of quality assurance, explain ?
Note: Attempt any five questions. Each question carries 3 marks.
11. Explain need of decision tree in system design.
12. What are various type of systems ?
13. What do you mean by on-site observation ?
14. Explain importance of planning in system design.
15. What are IPO charts ?
16. What is system testing ?
17. What is Cost Benefit determination ?
Note: What short notes on any five of the following: 1 each
18. Fact analysis
19. Inverted List Organization
20. Audit trail
21. Data validation
22. Decision tables
23. DFD
24. Logical system design
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