Q26 If Loan amount, Number of months and Rate of interest are entered through the keyboard, write a program to calculate the monthly installment (including contribution towards Principle and Interest) for each month of loan duration.
Program: 119
If Loan amount, Number of months and Rate of interest are entered through the keyboard, write a c program to calculate the monthly installment (including contribution towards Principle and Interest) for each month of loan duration.
Month: Basic Pay Interest Pay EMI Remaining Pay 1: 1966.94 83.33 2050.28 8033.06 2: 1983.33 66.94 2050.28 6049.72 3: 1999.86 50.41 2050.28 4049.86 4: 2016.53 33.75 2050.28 2033.33 5: 2033.33 16.94 2050.28 -0.00 Total Interest Paid: 251.38