Q22 In digital world colors are specified in Red-Green-Blue (RGB) format, with values of R, G, B varying on an interger scale from 0 to 255. In print publishing the colors are mentioned in Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (CMYK) format, with values of C, M, Y, and K varying on a real scale from 0.0 to 1.0. Write a program that converts RGB color to CMYK color as per the following formulae: Note that of the RGB values are all 0, then the CMY values are all 0 and the K value is 1.
Program: 90
In digital world colors are specified in Red-Green-Blue (RGB) format, with values of R, G, B varying on an integer scale from 0 to 255. In print publishing the colors are mentioned in Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black (CMYK) format, with values of C, M, Y, and K varying on a real scale from 0.0 to 1.0. Write a c program that converts RGB color to CMYK color as per the following formulae:
While = Max(Red/255, Green/255, Blue/255)
Cyan = (White-Red/255)/(White)
Magenta = (White-Green/255)/(White)
Yellow = (White-Blue/255)/(White)
Black = 1-White
Note that of the RGB values are all 0, then the CMY values are all 0 and the K value is 1.
Enter the value of Red(0 to 255): 33 Enter the value of Green(0 to 255): 12 Enter the value of Blue(0 to 255): 44 Red: 0.129412 Green: 0.047059 Blue: 0.172549 White: 0.172549 The value of Cyan: 0.250000 The value of Magenta: 0.727273 The value of Yellow: 0.000000 The value of Black: 0.827451