Number Theory, Complex Variables and 2-D 2024 – BSc Computer Science Part 1

Number Theory, Complex Varaiables & 2D 2024

Paper code: 13503
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 1)
Examination, 2024
Paper No. 1.3

Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 50


Note: Attempt all the five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Symbol used are as usual. Attempt any two parts of each question.

1. (a) (i) Express 1 + √(-3)  in the form r(cosθ + isinθ).

        (ii) Express 1 + i in polar form.

    (b) Find real numbers A and B, if A + iB = (3-2i)/(7+4i).

    (c) Prove that the sum and product of two complex numbers are real iff they are conjugate to each other.

2. (a) State and prove Euler’s formula.

    (b) Prove that for two non-zero complex numbers, and arg(z1z2) = arg z1 + arg z2.

    (c) Show that if the equation z2+αz+β=0 has a pair of conjugate complex roots, then α, β are both real and α2 < 4β.

3. (a) State and prove Fermat’s theorem.

    (b) Using Wilson’s theorem, determine 40! mod 43.

    (c) State and prove fundamental theorem of Arithmetic.

4. (a) Find the Vertex, focus, directrix, axis

 and latus rectum of the parabola y2 – 4x – 4y = 0.

    (b) The co-ordinates of the vertices of a hyperbola are (9, 2) and (1, 2) and the distance between its two foci is 10. Find its equation and also the length of its latus rectum.

    (c) Determine the equation of the ellipse whose directrices along y = ±9 and foci at (0, ±4). Also find the length of its latus rectum.

5. (a) Find the module and arguments of the following complex numbers :



    (b) State and prove the triangle inequality for complex numbers.

    (c) if z = (cosθ + isinθ), then using De Moivre’s theorem, show that –



Thank you: Gourish Rajput (VCB) 🙂

Lokesh Kumar: Being EASTER SCIENCE's founder, Lokesh Kumar wants to share his knowledge and ideas. His motive is "We assist you to choose the best", He believes in different thinking.
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