Introduction To Computer Graphics 2021 – BSc Computer Science Part 3
Total No. of Questions: 10] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 4
Paper code: 13522
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 3)
Examination, 2021
Paper No. 2.1
Time: Hours] [Maximum Marks: 50
Note: Attempt all sections as directed.
Note: Attempt any two questions:15 each
1. What is Raster Graphics? Explain the features and limitation of Raster Graphics.
2. (a) What is CRT? Explain it with diagram.
(b) Distinguish between Raster and Random Scan Display System.
3. (a) What is Polygon clipping? Explain it.
(b) Explain Clipping and viewing transformation.
4. Explain the following :
(a) Ellipse Scan Conversion Algorithm.
(b) z-buffer algorith.
Note: Attempt any one question:20 each
5. (a) Show that parallel lines remain parallel after transformation.
(b) Explain parallel projection & perspective projection.
6. Attempt any one question.
(a) What is Geometric Transformation?
(b) Differentiate 2D with 3D transfomation.
7. (a) Write various applications of Computer Graphics.
(b) Explain 3D rotation.
8. (a) Derive the basic matrix for 4 Bezier Curve.
(b) Explain composition of 3D.
9. (a) Write short note on object rendering.
(b) Explain key frame animation in detail.
10. Explain the following :
(i) Antialiasing
(ii) Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm
(iii) Hermite curve
(iv) Halftoning