Introduction To Computer Graphics 2018 – BSc Computer Science Part 3
Paper code: 13522
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 3)
Examination, 2018
Paper No. 2.1
Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 50
Note: Attempt any five questions in all selecting one question from each section. All questions carry equal marks.
- (a) What is Computer Graphics? Explain various application areas of Computer Graphics.
(b) Differentiate between random scan display and raster scan display.
- What are the various input devices and output devices used in Computer graphics? Explain in brief.
- (a) What is antialiasing? Explain.
(b) What is the difference between pixel and points?
(c) Implement the DDA algorithm to draw a line from (0,0) to (5,5).
- (a) What is line clipping and polygon clipping? Can you use line clipping algorithm for polygon clipping? Justify.
(b) What is pattern filing? Explain.
- What are basic transformation? Define each of them with at least one suitable example.
- (a) Why are homogeneous co-ordinates used for transformation computation in Computer Graphics?
(b) How one can reflect an object about a line? Explain.
- What is Projection? Explain parallel projection and perspective projection.
- Explain the 3D transformation conceptual model with a neat diagram.
p style=”text-align: center;”>Section-E
- Write short notes on any two of the following:
- Hidden line and surfaces
- Visible surface determination
- Animation
p style=”text-align: center;”>……..End……..