Why is the Glyphicons used in Bootstrap 4?

Questions & AnswersCategory: Programming LanguageWhy is the Glyphicons used in Bootstrap 4?
Adam asked 3 years ago

Which of the following layout can be used to provide 100% width in Bootstrap 4?
a. Fluid Layout
b. Fixed Layout
c. Both (a) and (b) are correct
d. None of the above options is correct

1 Answers
Lokesh Kumar Staff answered 3 years ago

a. Fluid Layout
Explanation: In Bootstrap 4, a user can use the class .container-fluid in order to create fluid layouts that can use 100% of width of the viewport across all device sizes which are extra small, small, medium, large, and extra large.
The class used is .container-fluid that creates a width of 100% instead of different width for different viewport sizes. In addition to that, the layout will still remain responsive.