Which of the following classes amongst these options is/are contextual?

Questions & AnswersCategory: Programming LanguageWhich of the following classes amongst these options is/are contextual?
Adam asked 3 years ago
1 Answers
Lokesh Kumar Staff answered 3 years ago

d. All of the given options are correct
Explanation: The contextual classes are responsible for changing the background color of a table rows and the individual cells. The classes that can be used are:

  1. .active – It is responsible for applying the hover color to a particular row or cell.
  2. .success – It is responsible for showing the positive or successful action.
  3. .info – It is responsible for showing the informative part of a section.
  4. .warning – It is responsible for emphasizing on the warning that needs some sort of attention
  5. .danger – It is responsible for showing or highlighting a potentially negative action or any dangerous information.