Digital Logic And Computer Design 2022 – BSc Computer Science Part 1
Paper Code: 13505
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 1)
Examination, 2022
Paper No. 2.2
Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 33
Note: Attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each Section.
1. (a) What are Logic Gates? Explain it with the help of Logic Diagrams and Truth table.4
(b) What are Don’t Care Conditions? How they are useful in K-Map?3
2. (a) Draw the logic diagram using logic gates of the following expression :4
(b) Simplify the expression using K-Map method :3
3. (a) Draw and write the truth table of Multiplexers.4
(b) Describe the NAND/NOR circuits with example.
4. (a) Design and explain the Decimal adder with an example.4
(b) Compare and Contrast between Full Adder and Full Subs-tractor.3
5. (a) What are Design Counters? Explain with proper diagram.4
(b) Compare D Flip Flops with T Flip Flops.3
6. (a) Design the J-K Flip Flops with characteristic table and diagram.
(b) What are the different triggers used in sequential logic?3
7. (a) Compare Synchronous Counters and Ripple Counters.4
(b) Explain the memory unit with proper example.
8. (a) Design the 4X1 multiplexer by using logic gates.4
(b) What are Timing Sequences? How they are useful?
9. (a) Compare Logic and Shift Micro operation.
(b) Explain the design of Simple Computer.
10. (a) Define the term “Overflow” with an example.
(b) What do you understand
by Intel Register Transfer?