Total No. of Questions : 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages : 4
Paper code: 13524
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 3)
Examination, 2021
Paper No. 2.3
Note: Attempt all sections as directed.
Note: Attempt any two questions.15 each
1. Attempt any two parts of the following :
(a) Write down the properties of asymptotic notations.
(b) Explain Recursive algorithm.
(c) Write the heap sort algorithm and estimate its running time.
2. Attempt any two parts of the following :
(a) Give the general strategy of Divide and conquer method.
(b) Differential merge sort with quick sort with example.
(c) Write an algorithm for optimum binary search tree.
3. Attempt two parts of the following :
(a) Write an algorithm for knapsack problem using Greedy Strategy.
(b) Give and explain minimum spanning tree algorithm.
(c) Explain and Quick Hull algorithm.
Note : Attempt any one question.20 each
4. Attempt any two questions :
(a) Discus the various stages of algorithm design and analysis process using flow chart.
(b) Explain dynamic programming.
(c) Write the formula to find the shortest path using Floyd’s approach. Use Floyd’s method to solve the following all pairs shortest path problem.
5. Explain any two of the following:
(a) Huffman tree construction algorithm.
(b) Differentiate back tracking and branch and bound algorithm.
(c) FIFO branch and bound.
(d) Pseudo code conventions.
Thank You 🙂
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