DATA STRUCTURES USING C++ 2019 – BSc Computer Science Part 2
Paper code: 13515
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 2)
Examination, 2019
Paper No. 2.3
Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 34
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
1. (a) What are various storage classes ? Enumerate them ?
(b) What do you mean by binary tree, write various application of binary trees ?
2. (a) What is object oriented programming, how it differs from procedural programming ?
(b) What are various characteristics of object oriented programming, explain ?
3. (a) Explain following header files :
(i) <iostream.h>
(ii) <conio.h>
(b) What do you mean by infinite loop, write an infinite loop in C++.
4. What is operator overloading, explain, write a program in C++ to illustrate operator overloading.
5. Differentiate :
(a) liner data structure and non-linear data structure
(b) doubly linked list and circular list.
(c) Array and stack
6. What do you mean by queue ? Write a program to insert and delete operations in queue.
7. Define following :
(i) Graph
(ii) Tree traversal techniques
8. What are constructors ? Write and explain various types of constructors used in C++.
9. What are friend functions ? Explain need of friend function, write a C++ program to illustrate friend function.
Thank You!