Paper code: 13515
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 2)
Examination, 2016
Paper No. 2.3
Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 34
Note: Attempt five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
1. (a) What do you mean by a object oriented programming? Discuss various characteristics of object oriented programming.
(b) Explain various storage classes in C++.
2. (a) Discuss various Data types in C++ in brief.
(b) Explain various benefits of using pointer variable over normal variable.
3. Differentiate between any two of the following:
- While and do-while loop
- Class and structure
- Function Overloading and Operator Overloading
- Linear data structure and Nonlinear data structure
4. What is Inheritance? Explain various types of inheritance used in C++. Explain any one type with proper programming example.
5. (a) What are Stacks? Explain various operations that can be performed on stacks.
(b) Explain Constructor.
6. What is Queues? Explain its various types. Write a C++ program to implement circular queue.
7. (a) What is sorting? Explain how can one perform sorting using tree?
(b) Explain various tree traversal techniques.
8. (a) What is Graph? How does it differ from tree?
(b) Write a C++ program to perform binary search.
9. Write short notes any two questions:
- Friend Function
- Files and Streams
- Destructor
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