Printed Pages: 02 Sub Code: RCA402
Paper Id: 214422 Roll No. _____________________
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70
Note: Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.
1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 7 = 14
a) What are the applications of computer network ?
b) What is Shannon capacity for Noisy Channel ?
c) Different between Baseband Transmission and Broadband Transmission.
d) Distinguish between TCP and UDP.
e) What is Gateway ?
f) Define Fragmentation.
g) Write about digital signature ?
2. Attempt any three of the following: 7 x 3 = 21
a) What is Network ? Explain different types of Networks.
b) What is cyclic code and explain Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) code ?
c) What is IP addressing ? How would you design Class A, Class B and Class C of IP addresses ?
d) Explain the TCP/IP reference model with neat diagram.
e) Describe in details about the three way handshake protocol for connection establishment in TCP.
3. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a) What is transmission medium ? What are the different types of transmission medium ?
b) What is multiplexing ? Define all Categories f multiplexing.
4. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a) Write short notes on :
(ii) ATM
B) Discuss different standards of Ethernet
5. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a) Describe internetworking connecting devices in reference to layers.
b) Define controlled access and list three protocols in this category.
6. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a) How is congestion controlled ? Explain in details the TCP congestion control.
b) CB84000D001C001C is the content of a UDP header
(i) What is the source port number ?
(ii) What is the destination port number ?
(iii) What is the length of the data ?
(iv) What is the total length of the user datagram ?
7. Attempt any one part of the following: 7 x 1 = 7
a) What is security goals ? Explain different types of Network Attacks.
b) Describe in details about the following in Electronic mail.
i. Message format
ii. Message transfer
iii. Mail reader
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