Exam Papers

Computer Architecture 2024 – BSc Computer Science Part 1

Paper code: 13509
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 1)
Examination, 2024
Paper No. 3.3

Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 50


Note: Attempt five questions one from each Section. All questions carry equal marks.


1. (a) What do you understand by basic computer organization? Explain.

    (b) What is the application area of Resistors?

2. (a) What is the Instructure and Instruction Codes? Explain:

    (b) What is Time and Control Unit? Explain.


3. (a) What is RISC? Explain.

    (b) What is CISC? Explain.

4. (a) What is multiplication algorithm in computer arithmetic?

    (b) What is division algorithm in computer arithmetic?


5. (a) What is the difference between General purpose and Special purpose register? Explain.

    (b) What is Input output Interface?

6. (a) What is Asynchronous Data Transfer? Explain.

    (b)What is Programmed I/O? Explain.


7. (a) What is Register Transfer and micro-operation? Explain.

    (b) What do you understand by Index Register? Explain.

8. (a) What is priority Interrupt? Explain.

    (b) Explain Direct Memory Access (DMA)


9. (a) What are Assembly Language? Explain.

    (b) What are Macros? Explain.

10. (a) Explain 8085 processor? Explain.

      (b) Explain Intel Pro Pentium Processor.


Thank you: Gourish Rajput 🙂

Lokesh Kumar

Being EASTER SCIENCE's founder, Lokesh Kumar wants to share his knowledge and ideas. His motive is "We assist you to choose the best", He believes in different thinking.

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