Paper code: 13509
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 1)
Examination, 2018
Paper No. 3.3
Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 34
Note: Attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each Unit.
1. Explain the following :
(i) Accumulator register
(ii) Instruction cycle
(iii) Interrupts
(iv) Micro-operation
2. Differentiate RISC and CISC architecture.6
3. Explain the concept of parallel processing. How array processor works ?7
4. (a) What is the 2’s compliment of 1110011 ? Define overflow condition.4
(b) How fixed point arithmetic is different from floating point arithmetic ?3
5. (a) What are various modes of data transfer ?5
(b) What is bus arbitration ?2
6. (a) Explain the role of DMA controller in DMA.4
(b) Write down the features of 8085 processor.3
7. (a) How assembler is different from compiler ? What are ‘mnemonic’ codes ?3
(b) What are the use of ‘Macros in IO instructions ?4
8. (a) Write down addition and subtraction algorithm.4
(b) Explain the priority interrupt.3
9. (a) Draw the Von-Neumann computer architecture.3
(b) Explain the concept of cache memory. How it works ?4
10. Explain any two of the following :
(a) Pipelining processing
(b) Vector processing
(c) Assembly level instructions
(d) ALU and Control unit
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