Exam Papers

Computer and Peripheral Devices 2024 – BSc Computer Science Part 1

Paper Code: 13508
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 1)
Examination, 2024
Paper No. 3.2

Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 33


Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each Section. Question No. 9 is compulsory.

Section-A(Marks: 5)

1. What is computer? Describe the all characteristics of a computer with an example.

2. How many types of I/O devices? Explain it with an example.

Section-B7 each

3. (a) How many types of memory? Describe in details of primary memory with an example.

    (b) What is virtual memory? Explain it with an example.

4. (a) What is Cache Controller? Explain it in details.

    (b) Differentiate between Primary memory and cache memories.

Section-C7 each

5. What is storage devices operation? Explain the physical construction and partitioning of Hard Disk.

6. What is Operating System? Explain the all function of OS (Operating System).

Section-D7 each

7. What is Pentium II? Explain it in details.

8. Describe the Symmetric Multiprocessors with its architectural diagram.

    Section-E7 each

9. Write short notes on any two of the following :

    (i) CPU

    (ii) Intel 850 Motherboard

    (iii) Intel 815 Motherboard

    (iv) USB


Thank you: Gourish Rajput 🙂

Lokesh Kumar

Being EASTER SCIENCE's founder, Lokesh Kumar wants to share his knowledge and ideas. His motive is "We assist you to choose the best", He believes in different thinking.

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