Business Data Processing 2019 – BSc Computer Science Part 2
Paper code: 13517
B.Sc. (Computer Science) (Part 2)
Examination, 2019
Paper No. 3.2
Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 33
Note: Attempt five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
1. (a) Define a business system and its Environment.
(b) What are various information system needs, explain ?
2. (a) Define the role of making personnel.
(b) What is cost/benefit analysis, explain ?
3. (a) Define system maintenance, also write importance of its review.
(b) Compare sequential and indexed sequential files.
4. Write a program in COBOL to add two numbers.
5. (a) What is DBMS ? How it differs from flat files ?
(b) Compare indexed and direct access organization.
6. Explain following:
(i) Network Models
(ii) Relational Models
7. (a) How can one search an element into given record ? Explain.
(b) Compare multiple key retrieval and inverted file system.
8. Write short notes (any two)
(i) DDL and DML
(ii) Report writing in COBOL
(iii) Schema and subschema
Thank You!