35-Write a C program to use function

Program: 35 Write a C program to display whether number…

34-Write a C program to show the functionality of goto function

Program: 34 Write a C program to show the functionality…

33-Write a C program to perform the operation more than one times.

Program: 33 Write a C program to perform the operation…

32-Write a C program to display whether number is prime or not (while-loop).

Program: 32 Write a C program to display whether number…

31-Write a C program to display whether number is prime or not.

Program: 31 Write a C program to display whether number…

30-Write a C program to find the length of a given number.

Program: 30 Write a C program to find the length…

29-Write a C program to display the table of a given number.

Program: 29 Write a C program to display the table…

28-Write a C program to calculate the sum of 1 to 100 numbers.

Program: 28 Write a C program to calculate the sum…

27-Write a C program to print 1 to 10 numbers.

Program: 27 Write a C program to print 1 to…

26-Write a C program to perform the action according to user choice.

Program: 26 Write a C program to perform the action…

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